Renforth’s wholly owned Malartic Metals Package, located near Malartic Quebec and benefitting from exceptional logistics and access, covers ~300 square kilometres and hosts several areas of proven mineralization.
Our focus at the MMP property is the Victoria MMZ structure, highlighted in red in the map above, an ~20km long polymetallic system consisting of a magnetic ultramafic carrying sulphide nickel, cobalt, platinum and palladium layered with a VMS carrying zinc, copper, silver and gold. While Renforth has validated the length of this structure our focus has been a 2.5km section from the road/powerline to the west, where we have drilled ~10,000m and outlined a mineralized body which starts on surface and is open at depth. In 2025 we will be pursuing the declaration of a maiden resource for Victoria, initially within the 2.5km area drilled.

The Malartic Metals Package has several distinct locations and types of mineralization, as noted on the property map at the top of the page.
The Victoria polymetallic is echoed in the Lalonde structure ~4km to the north, which while it has seen less exploration and drilling by Renforth it is confirmed as being the same metals package. A portion of the magnetic Lalonde structure is seen in our detailed mag survey above. In addition, the circular feature between Victoria and Lalonde seen in the centre of the survey has also been confirmed as containing the same metals package. The Fouillac showing to the south of Victoria, and an un-named showing to the north of Lalonde contribute more of the same metals in similar settings. Renforth considers this newly discover and not yet well understood property-wide polymetallic system to be significant and the high priority target on the property. This system, and the property, due to its location in an active and well established mining camp, benefit from road access, hydro-electric power on site, nearby rail and toll milling options. In addition the Horne smelter is within one hour of the property. Renforth has proof of concept that the mineralization can be sorted to discard waste ahead of processing, minimizing resource consumption and impacts during processing, which Renforth envisions would be on a toll basis, after sorting on property. Leveraging existing infrastructure, rather than building new further minimizes project impacts.
In the very north east of the property the Beaupré copper/silver discovery is seen. Renforth has been advancing this discovery through exploration which has included stripping the “main vein” over ~185m to expose the chalcopyrite/bornite/silver mineralization. The next step at Beaupré will be drilling, this has not yet been scheduled.
To the south of Victoria is the “Pegmatite Zone”, this area includes the Pontiac sediments, the Decelles batholith and the contact zone between the two. Exploration within this area has led to lithium in soil results indicative of a not yet discovered buried pegmatite host as well as a REE target area, also indicated by prospecting results. Both of these targets require additional prospecting/exploration in summer conditions.