*Visible Gold is rare at Parbec, the bulk of our gold is in the Diorite, associated with sulphides – not quartz – and not visible to the naked eye!
Renforth’s wholly owned Parbec gold deposit, with a historic resource statement, is located on the Cadillac Break in Malartic Quebec, next door neighbour to one of Canada’s largest gold mines, also on the Cadillac Break. Gold at Parbec within the Break starts on surface and continues down to at least 660 vertical metres below surface where Renforth drilled 0.707 g/t Au over 1.5m in PAR-20-105. Just north of the Break there is also gold within the volcanics, currently the location of the deepest gold occurrence on the property with 0.96 g/t Au over 1.5m intersected at a vertical depth of 738m in PAR-08-03, this correlates with the “Island Trench” showing on surface where a grab sample assayed 9.6 g/t Au**
*See Press release March 17 2021 for QAQC disclosure on PAR-20-105
**Press release July 12, 2017. Note – Grab samples are selective in nature and not representative of a whole.
Sample shown above assayed 5.5 g/t Au in PAR-18-86, one of a handful of VG occurrences at Parbec, which is not a quartz vein hosted gold deposit.
Mineral Resource Estimate update underway – completion expected Q1 2025.
Historic Parbec Gold Deposit Resource Estimate

The updated 2025 MRE for Parbec will include the results from ~15,000m drilled by Renforth subsequent to the Historic MRE and ~13,000m of historic (1980’s and 1990’s) drill data.

Parbec Gold Deposit Geology
Renforth’s Parbec gold property is located on the Cadillac Break just outside of Malartic, Quebec. Gold mineralization occurs within a series of altered, fractured quartz-veined diorite intrusives and silicified feldspar porphyry bodies within and south of the Cadillac Break. Elevated sulfide contents are often associated with increased gold mineralization. Recent remodelling shows that mineralization is present as vertical zones in a North to North-East trending gold envelope, open to the north and down-dip to the south and cross-cutting lithologies. This results in a stacking of individual gold zones at or near surface and continuing at depth into the Pontiac sediments, with a southward plunge below the contact with the Pontiac sedimentary and the Cadillac Break. Mineralization is controlled by an embayment of the Pontiac contact, possibly the result of a regional fold remnant or syn-magmatic drag fold. The deposit has two primary structural controls: the vertical Cadillac Break and the south-dipping contact with the Pontiac Sediments to the south. The geometry of mineralized lenses is irregular along the Pontiac sedimentary contact. To the south-east, mineralized lenses trend north-east to east-west, cross-cutting the contact with the Pontiac Sediments.
Highlight Assay Intervals and Interval Widths

*Note – Intervals presented above are as measured in the core box, not true width.
**Note – Assays and Intervals from the 1980s, 1990s, 2020 and 2021 are not included in the Historic MRE, will be added to the 2025 MRE
Parbec Drill Data
Following are links to assessment reports covering drilling at Parbec